Complete the form Operational Status, Application.
Please fill it out as completely as possible. Attach photocopies of all supporting
documents. This includes: passport; International Certificate of Vaccination
(commonly called the "yellow card"); driver’s license; Social Security card;
and any certificates of attendance, completion, or certification that you have
referenced within the form.
2. Complete the Medical History and Clearance form.
Have an authorized physician perform a medical/physical examination that will
allow him/her to sign off on that form. For purposes of 1SRG an authorized physician
is one who is the medical officer of record for a law enforcement, fire safety,
EMS, or military unit. If you do not have access to a physician who meets the
above qualification, any physician authorized by the FAA to perform flight physicals
will be considered to meet the qualifications of this paragraph.
Note: The strict medical/physical requirements set by 1SRG are for both your
safety and the safety of your teammates. While the actual duties of a SAR operator
on 1SRG are not inherently more dangerous or physically demanding than those
performed as part of SAR operator duties on a local team, the availability of
medical support – beyond the capability of the deployed team itself – is far
more limited in the geographic locations that 1SRG might find itself deployed,
than would be available in the areas where you would operate as part of your
local team.
3. Read the Vaccination and Prescription Medications, Requirements.
Have an authorized physician complete the Vaccination and Prescription Medications,
Certification (this is in addition to the International Certificate of Vaccination
(Yellow Card). The ICV does not list requirements, the 1SRG policy and form does.
Note: 1SRG is not a medical authority. The list of vaccination requirements is
based on information gathered from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the
Traveler’s Health Clinic of Mercy Hospital (Miami, FL). This is a minimum list
of requirements and is subject to change at any time. You may wish to check with
your own physician for additional suggestions.
4. Read the Physical Fitness, Requirements and have an officer (team leader,
training officer, etc.) of your local team, agency, or unit administer and sign
off on the Physical Fitness, Certification.
Note: Physical condition is of the utmost importance in SAR at all times.
It is even more important when you may be operation outside of your usual environment
based on geographic, climate, weather, and terrain factors. This endurance
test is based on a test used by the United States Forest Service as part of
a Wildland Firefighter certification. The physical requirements made on such
an individual are similar to that called upon in SAR operations.
5. The uniform standards for 1SRG allow for the wearing, on the right
shoulder of the 1SRG uniform, of one of the following insignias: local team;
FEMA or State team; current agency; former military unit; NASAR or other SAR
organization. In order to protect 1SRG from any liability or controversy read
the Insignia, Non-1SRG, Wear Policy and the Insignia, Non-1SRG, Authorization
to Wear form must be completed and signed by the appropriate individual in
your local, FEMA or State team, or current agency. If a former military unit,
NASAR, or SAR organization, you must sign and represent that you are authorized
to wear such insignia by right of present or former membership.

2002 1st Special Response Group.
All rights reserved.