Moffett Field, near Mountain View, CA



1SRG will be hosting a tracking class taught by Joel Hardin at Moffett Field in the San Francisco Bay Area on February 24th, 25th, and 26th of 2006.



There are no prerequisites for this tracking training opportunity for all interest persons. This course will especially address the attention and needs of Novice and Basic Tracker training level students as well as incorporate the upward progressive tracking techniques of Apprentice and Journeyman training levels.

Course Content:

This will be a 24-hour course beginning Friday, February 24th, at 8:30a.m. with student registration, introduction and classroom lecture including power point presentation to provide Novice and Basic tracker understanding of training program origin, development history, practices, procedures, student evaluation and training level certifications, and learning to see sign. The presentation supports the following hands-on field training by providing student understanding of basic tracking fundamentals and methodology. “Tracking” is a first response primary search resource used to verify witness statements, establish the “PLS”, direction of subject travel and following the physical evidence to the missing person. Field training will allow “student tracking team” experimentation and “hands-on” practice of fundamental tracking techniques. Novice students will progress from initial identifying a print, to “step-by-step” every track concept of following an identified sign line and practical tracking team response.

Primary emphasis will be on helping Novice students to see and understand elementary sign and secondarily to apply that capability to “practical use” search effectiveness. Students having previously achieved Tracker certification may be asked to assist with demonstrations and illustrations of practical use as a primary search resource. Students at all training levels will be individually and corporately challenged with additional tracking concepts and techniques. Journeyman Tracker students will be provided advanced training objectives working with Novice and Apprentice students and separately in simulated actual SAR and law enforcement mission scenarios.

Student Needs:

Students should be physically fit and equipped for SAR field response. Field practice will continue during any inclement weather and students should be properly prepared with wet/dry, cold/hot weather gear. Students need to bring a pen/pencil, note pad, small measuring tape, 5/8 inch doweling or similar, 36 to 40 inches long, with three rubber bands to use as a tracking stick and a three cell flashlight. Joel will have copies of his new book, TRACKER, available for students at $20.00.


Students are responsible for their own lodging. Housing on base is available for $40 per night at the NASA Exchange Lodge. Some rooms have two beds, still for $40 per night. Rooms are very basic - no TV or phone but there is an in room bathroom. Call 650-603-7100 and mention that you are a guests of the Western Disaster Center who is an industry affiliate at the NASA Research Park. This is on a first come, first served basis.

If you are staying in the Lodge:

You register and pay at the Bldg 19 facility. The night clerk is there till 10PM,
after that you must call him.

Those who reserved a $50 room stay in Bldg 19, those who reserved a $40 room
stay in Bldg 583 A or B. These building are adjacent to the classroom building which is 583C and across the street from McDonalds

There are also hotels in the area, and other students might be able to arrange to put out of town visitors up, do carpools, etc.


Students are also responsible for their own meals. Please eat breakfast prior to showing up in the morning though we will have coffee and bagels or donuts available. There is a deli and a McDonalds within a very short walk of the classroom for lunch.


The planned location is Moffett Field, CA (San Francisco Bay Area). We will meet at Building 583C at Moffett Field at 0830 on Friday. Maps to the classroom are here - link.


Students must pre-register for this course. The cost is $220, payable in advance. The cost for any applications submitted after February 7th increases to $250.

Checks should be made out to 1SRG. Your space is not reserved until we have received your entire payment. There will be no refunds without a very good reason for missing the couse.

Please include your address, phone number, and email address with your payment.

Contact information:

Please contact David Kovar for the answers to any questions you might have.

Sponsor Information:

This course is sponsored by the 1st Special Response Group.


Joel Hardin Tracking Class - Feb 24th - 26th, 2006
© 2002 1st Special Response Group.
All rights reserved.